Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Go Cut Creator!!!!

As always I was watching VH1 Soul and they played "I'm Bad" by LL Cool J.  I was INSTANTLY transported to what was going on in my life at that time.  I don't want to give THAT many clues into my age...........let's just say that I was doing childhood stuff.  However going down memory lane after seeing the "I'm Bad" video made me go into my CD collection and pull out my "BIGGER & DEFFER" CD.  I put the CD in and something amazing happened.  I began to quote with much ease all of the words to all of the songs on the CD.  A couple of those early LL songs are extremely lyrically heavy.........for all of you who know I'm talking about........

Kandy, Bristol Hotel, My Rhyme Ain't Done......Those are some heavy lyrical songs........that means that songs have A LOT OF WORDS! ( just in case someone didn't know what I meant).  This Album was released in 1986 and the year now is 2010.........those are a whole lot of words to remember for 24 years. 

My rant for today is that we must really really really take a look and a listen to what children are putting into their system.  I can't remember the last time that I took this CD out to listen to is let alone brush up in the words.  But spirit of this song has been locked into my heart and soul and spirit for the last 24 years........to the point that even though I had long forgot that it was in there I was able to pull it up when I pushed the "LL Cool J 1986 button. 

What will your children be able to spew out when they reach their adulthood?  You are not only what you eat........but you are what you listen to.  You are what you watch.  You are the environment that you dwell in as well as the environment that you build around you. 

Music inspires!  Music Lifts! Music Saves!  If you are only listening to music that talks about bitches and hoes........then that becomes your reality.  Then you build a database that is full of negativity.  A computer can only spew out the information that was put into it.  Your brain and your spirit are your human database and it is extremely important to watch the information that you program into you.  What you program into you is the only thing that will come out. 

If you drench yourself in negativity then negativity is all that will come out.

LL Cool J's DJ was named Cut Creator and there is a song on the CD called  Go Cut Creator Go!  And after listening to this music today that can stand the test of time I understand LL Cool J's chant..........Go Cut Creator............thank you for allowing me to program positive things into my database. 

Go Cut Creator!

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