Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This is a Man's Game!!

Something occurred to me last night.  I was re-watching Game 2 of the Bulls/Pacers round one play off series.  Now MANY times I really don't listen to the commentator's comments during the game.  Sometimes I actually find them irritating.  I am a big tennis fan as well and many many times I will watch the game with the sound off.  I am a sports fan.............I know my sport......I can SEE what is going on.  I don't need to listen to YOU!  BUT the funny thing about Game 2 of the Bulls/Pacers playoff series is that the game was being called by Stacey King and Scottie Pippen. 1991 '92, 93' I would have rivaled ANYONE in being the biggest and greatest Bulls fan.  And Stacey King and Scottie Pippen were both on that championship team.  Now Stacey King calls most games................ and I semi listen to him..........BUT..........Scottie Pippen calling the game gave his comments just that much more cache'.  So as I watched the game I was really interested in hearing what Scottie had to say because I KNOW that Scottie knows what he is talking about. 

Now I was really interested in what Scottie had to say about Carlos Boozer since Carlos is playing that power position that Scottie used to play.  And what I heard was a lot of love and positive comments coming from Scottie Pippen about Carlos Boozer.  As a matter of fact Scottie had a whole lot of positive comments to say about many of the Bulls.........even though they won these first two play off games they have NOT been playing their best basketball.  But as I zoomed into the commentators comments I noticed something that I had never really understood before.  I heard these men openly and proudly expressing their respect and I would even go so far as to say LOVE for other men.  They were emotional when Joakim Noah threw a beautiful pass to Kyle Korver the HOTTTTT SAUCE.......and Kyle came up with the game winning three ( very reminiscent of Vanilla Gangsta John Paxon) .  Stacey King as Scottie.........."Do you love the Hotttt Sauce?"  And with much admiration Scottie replied.........."Yes I love the hottttt sauce."  Men were in the stands of the United Center clapping and stomping and yelling and showing so much emotion.  I saw men celebrating other men.  I saw them showing love and emotion and admiration and respect!  Most beautiful.  

When Boozer made a big play I heard Scottie say..........."Yeah now see that is a man's game right there.....that's right Boozer do the work big man and get the job done.............this is a man's game."

And then I thought about that statement.  This is a man's game.  But not only because grown men are playing it.................but because men have an ingenious way to celebrate and love other men without it being sexual or taboo.  Men can watch other men put their heart on the line.  Men can watch other men use their talents to win.  Men can watch other men and relate to their emotion. 

WHAT DO WOMEN HAVE?  I would have to say nothing.  I would have to say that women would really love and respect other women and relate to other women.  But we don't really have anywhere where we can go and that be acceptable.  MANY times the measure of a woman is her man.  If you are out with a couple of your girlfriends and you all see a beautiful Joakim Noah looking all feel that you are equal in your chances of getting him.  But if he comes up and he asks out one of your begin to feel inferior.  And almost immediately without even giving it thought you begin to tear down your friend.  You say to your other slighted girl............"Mmmmm when he sees how messy she keeps her little raggedy house........he won't be interested anymore."  or "When he tastes her cooking he won't be there long." Or "She don't know how to keep a man she will sleep with him tonight and he will be outta there."  That is the nature of women.  We are the exact opposite of men in a very ugly way.  We as women find very few instances in which we have a ceremonial uplifting and admiration of other women. 

We lift up women at their wedding.  But that is ONE day and that is in direct relationship to her having snagged a man.  I have to say that I have had women who I THOUGHT were friends.  But instead of celebrating my good heart, and my good sense of humor, or my deep reaching entertainment talents, women have used night vision goggles to sniff out all of my faults.  Yeah well she ain't married.  Yeah well she's fat.  Yeah well she ain't made it big time yet.  Women do not have a positive emotional outlet.  All of our my opinion.............are based on looks on our ability to tame or acquire a man.  But women are soooooooooooo much more than that.  We are mother's, sisters, aunts, friends, chef's executive producers, actresses, gardeners, housekeepers, financial analysts, girlfriends and wives.  And most time we live our lives in quiet desperation waiting for someone to thank us.  Some one to stand up and cheer at the considerable amount of time and energy that we use every day to make life run smooth and good.  But our validation comes so far and few in between.  No one stands up and cheers when we make the world's greatest pot roast.  But a man who can dribble a ball down the court and throw it into a netted whole is a god! 

Now I am NOT saying that there is anything wrong with men's love of sports and the amount of satisfaction that they receive in doing it..........or the satisfaction that another man receives in yelling about it.  I love basketball!  I love tennis!  And I love getting emotional about these sports.  All I am saying is that there is no National Mother's Association where all the mother's of the world can get together and have the mother's bowl.......or the mother's final.  And I believe that this quiet desperation for validation in women causes women to be silent deadly killers.  I have even found that when I personally TRY to validate other women...........that is perceived as me being a conceited  B***CH.  WHY?????? So many answers to that question. And I won't go into them all.  But......................showing love and admiration and respect and love to another persons good qualities seems to only be a MAN'S GAME. 

So sad................I just want to say to all my ladies who are reading me today.  You are beautiful inside and out.  You are the greatest wife the world has ever seen.  You are the greatest mother since the beginning of creation. You are smart.  You are funny.  You are sexy.  You are great in every way that great can be described.  You do not have to shred another woman for you to be all that you already are!!!!  You are made with the love and  care of God................He knew at the beginning of creation that you would be as great as you are.  Love, respect, and admiration belong to us all...........let's begin to share it!

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