Monday, October 18, 2010

Sister Wives??? REALLY???

I saw the members of the TLC Show "Sister Wives" on Oprah a few days back.  Now I knew that Oprah would not have them on her show promoting that they had a TV show called "Sister Wives" unless there really was such a show. HOWEVER, the Oprah segment was so unbelievable that I actually tuned into "Sister Wives" on TLC.  I could not believe that such a show really existed.  But Comcast Cable Channel 69...........there is was...........SISTER WIVES..........WTF?????

Okay may I be blunt and honest?  IN MY HUMBLE OPINION........and who am I? This is nothing more hilariously sick and sad, than white people in middle class America playing out the pimp and "hoe" scenario, with a suburban twist to it. We're not a brothel............We're sister wives........we all live together in harmony. OMG!!!!

Ladies????  I don't care how you dress it up, polish it up, educate it up, and OPRAH IT UP..........this is just deeply sick twisted people being sick and twisted.  NO WOMAN REALLY WANTS TO SHARE HER MAN!!!!!! NO WOMAN.  That is not human nature.  I know that many women DO share their man with another woman.  But trust me, if there is a woman who is sharing her husband, boyfriend, fiancee', significant other, with another woman, she either DOES NOT KNOW,  OR PRETENDS NOT TO SEE that there is sharing going on.  I mean you are my husband.  And tonight you're getting dressed to go out with your girlfriend...........and I babysit her kids while you all are spending my money on dinner and a movie.  HELLO!!!!  Earth to stupid broken sister wife..........You're being played dum dum!

Listen I am not a little girl............. I am a full grown woman and the fantasy has long since worn off for me.  There are no perfect men.  There are no perfect women.  There are no perfect situations, and there is no perfect world. I GOT YOU ON THAT ONE..............BUT WHAT IS THIS???  REALLY? 

Okay first off.......the baby PLEASE.  I thought I was gone see a Paul Walker, Brad Pitt, Zach Efron, Arnold Swartzenagger (Terminator, Conan the Barbarian, of course, not the GOV-NA) sort of super fine, super body, irresistible sort of dude.  This guy is looks like a cast off from Revenge of the Nerds - Meets Sponge Bob 2010 type combination. 

AGAIN!  I know that its not about the looks.  But the way television and movies whore after the beautiful people, I thought that they would have done better than this guy.  I mean if you are showing this on TV, I thought that you would have made me say "Man, he's so fine and makes so much money I might consider sharing him."  But no we got "Skcreetch" from "Saved by the Bell" as the Pimp.

Okay now the two things that stood out to me when I saw them on the Oprah show is one............Oprah asked "the pimp", how did he support all the wives and the children.  Dude replied that he works and a couple of the wives work and the share the resources. 

STOP!  Okay I gotta share my Pee Wee Herman looking man........AND I GOTTA WORK AND SUPPORT YOUR OTHER WOMEN IN ADDITION?  Come on really!  How broken are these women or how strong is his game?

The other thing that got me is this............He and his first wife went out to dinner for their 20 year anniversary.  And she tells him that he needs to understand that she gets jealous.  And what if she took another husband how would he feel.  OKAY THIS IS THE KILLER................ THIS IS THE ONE THAT GOT ME WRITING.  He said to her..........AND I QUOTE........."THE VULGARITY OF THINKING ABOUT YOU TAKING ANOTHER LOVER IS SOMETHING THAT I DON'T EVEN WANT TO THINK ABOUT.  IT MAKES ME CONFRONT EMOTIONS THAT I DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH.  ITS LIKE MAKING ME ADMIT THAT THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE LIFE THAT WE'VE CHOSEN" ( or something extremely close to that effect) When Oprah played the clip I was the point that I had to check the show out. And low and behold as if TLC KNEW that I was coming............ aired the very episode that the clip was run from on Oprah.

I don't know why people do what they do.  I don't know why women marry convicted murderers.  I don't know why women stay with men who beat them. I don't know why women would go on Flavor of Love, or the Bachelor OR Bachelorette.  I don't know why a woman would want to be a sister wife.

Is it that this is really what goes on in life every day and putting on TV just makes it more vulgar?  Am I pining after some kind of moral Utopia that doesn't exist?  Or is this the sad commentary on what happens in a society where money and greed are welcomed? And love is treated like a trinket or even in some cases a weakness.

Greed and Love cannot exist in a single entity.  When you let greed in you squeeze love out.  And when love is missing, human beings are then nothing more than inbreeds of greed and need.  EVERYONE NEEDS LOVE.............EVERYONE.  And when humans are denied healthy love, you get insecure women who will do anything to get the attention they need.  You have men who will use and use and use women to try and fill that void. 

The show "Sister Wives" in my opinion is a direct result of love substitute.  They feel that living with their sister wives and helping to raise each others children will cultivate some utopia of love and understanding.  IT IS NOT.  Its a man wanting to have his cake and eat it too and a bunch of women so broken that a piece of man is better than no man at all.

We are so broken as a race of humans!!!  So so broken.  The only way that women can TRULY be sister wives is if my sister is a wife to her husband and I am a wife to my husband.  Then we are sister wives.  THAT'S IT. 

This modern day "leave it to beaver pimpage is disgusting"  I mean at least a pimp knows he's a pimp.  He does not try to act as though he is anything else. A pimp disguising himself as a husband?  No way.  AND THEN THE OTHER WIVES AND THEIR CHILDREN LIVE OFF MY PAYCHECK???  I'm so turned off that I can't really even get to my point.  I'm just rattling off.  But feel free to chime in guys. More on this same subject tomorrow.

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