Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Know the Steps Before You Dance

As years continually add themselves to my life and make up something called my "age". I have to admit, that time, if you let it, does yield to wisdom.

I have come away from looking at life the way that I want for it to be and I am beginning to look at it.................. as it really is. I find many "so called Christians" helplessly locked in the world of make believe. I think the most well rounded believer understand the ugly, cold hard facts of the world. Knows them. Sees them. Understands them. Respects them. After we have come to terms with how gruesome human behavior REALLY is. We then understand that there is NOTHING TO HARD FOR GOD TO WORK OUT.

Some of us get into the church and we read The WORD. YES, the word is good and it has some great news and wonderful hope in it. But in order to reap the rewards there is something that WE MUST DO in order to gain the rewards. BUT, we suspend all common sense. We begin to act as though the bible is a book full of spells and potions that will do wonderful magic and make tragedy, disappointment, debt, rejection, sexual frustration, and fear disappear. But the bible is a guide THROUGH life..............not around it.

I am here to tell you that there is no such book of spells honey chile!

The bible is a book that is not for the faint of heart, or the weak. The bible is a book of transposition of mind, spirit, and soul. The bible is not a "Magic Trick" book. The bible is a "How to" book. It tells us "how to" overcome adversity. It doesn't tell us how to pretend that adversity is not all around us. The bible teaches us how to become the best that we can be. It teaches us that we are to love God first and love HIS/HER image.............then know that the love that we have for our God is the love that we are to then have for ourselves. When we love ourselves, we won't let ourselves be disrespected, or abused, or let our worth depend on what someone else thinks about us. And that my friends is how to deal with rejection.

But putting in the real work of reconstructing the mind that controls the spirit, and the spirit that monitors the soul, and the soul that houses our morals, is work that many of us are not willing to put into ourselves. So what we do is read the bible learn a couple of phrases and then try to manipulate and control and condemn, everything and everyone around us so that we do not have to do the real work of becoming who GOD says that we are. So therefore we live mediocre, half dead lives because we are too lazy and afraid to go in and let the word of God really and truly transform us. 

We are living in the halfway point..................we know the word, but we do not trust it. We have been so comfortable in the wrong way that the right way ( which will yield us our TRUE hearts desire) just seems like too much of a gamble.

When we see someone who is really and truly walking in the loving glow of a God changed heart and a Holy Spirit mind.......................we think that something is wrong with THEM. And we try to trip THEM up as they dance in harmony and rhythm to the promises of God.
But if you want to dance the beautiful dance then you have to know the steps and you have to put in the work. Nothing worth having is going to come easy.

If you think you are a leader then you have to take the, hard work, and criticism, that goes with it. If you want to be GREAT, then greatness is required.......and here is the thing...................Greatness is what GOD says is greatness, not what we in our peanut finite brains calls great. None of us are great in our own power. It is the God in us that defines the greatness.

If you want to dance the dance then first learn the steps and then perfect the steps until they are so fluid that they no longer look like steps..................they are just an extension of your natural flow. Life is hard. But if you are using half your energy creating a imaginary world where everything is okay when its are only living half of the life that you could be living. Love is there for us, Faith is there for us, trust is there for us, and before we can have that with anyone else we first need to hve it with God and then ourselves.

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