Thursday, November 18, 2010

Shhhhhhhhhhh...........I Don't Want to Wake The Beast!

I don't want to be premature in my statement.  But I am EXTREMELY proud to say that........... I think........I THINK that Beyonce has sat down for a minute.  CAN YOU ALL BELIEVE IT?  No new singles.  No new videos.  No movie roles.  No talk show appearances.  No inaugurations.  No new CD's about to drop. NOTHING.  THANK YOU GOD!  Can you call say "over exposed?" 

Now please do not think that I am a hater or anti Beyonce'.  I am NOT.  But what I did think is that while she is beautiful and has some talent; I do think that she was doing too much............and beginning to get on people's nerves.  I was afraid that she would turn into a Britney know where they LOVE you one day and then the next day they are taking pictures of your Na Na while you are getting out of a car. 

Honestly took me a minute for Beyonce to even appear on my radar screen.  When Destiny's Child first came out.  I didn't even think twice about them.  They came out way back during the days of 702, X-Scape, Changing Faces, Zhane, Brownstone, Total, & the last days of SWV.  Now of all of those groups that I just named.........AND WERE HOT........during their couple of months on the charts.  There was nothing about Destiny's Child that showed me ANYTHING that would make me believe that they would be a power house in the music industry.

Do you all remember when DC was losing members and they were all talking about how Beyonce was trying to take over, and all this mess?  I was thinking to myself.........YEP just what I is the beginning of the end for them.  Then came "Say My Name" and "Bootylicious".  And I was thinking........REALLY?  Would you all sit down already?  You all were a four now you all are a three............STOP HOLDING ON. DC you are circling the drain.  Well for the first time in my musical predictions.........I could NOT have been more wrong.

THEN..............................."I'M A SURVIVOR" hit the airwaves.  And I could no longer fight it. They hit my weak spot.  They were looking good and sounding good.  Beyonce, so powerfully and sweetly swatted her haters off her shoulder.  And I HAVE to respect that.  So, I finally, four years later........began to pay attention to them.  And right when I was paying attention, there came the Michael Jackson 30 year celebration.  And DC came out and killed it. When I saw them with the hats and the shout out to MJ dances...............I was hooked.

Then Beyonce bust out with her CD "Dangerously in Love"..........when I saw the "uh oh" dance..........I, like everyone else pumped my fist and said "gone girl". 

Okay so........we've been through the solo albums, the DC mega album, the movies, the marriage, and the HOST of hot videos.  I was right there.........and proud of her staying power and continued relevance in the music industry.  I didn't agree with ALL her songs.........but I like Beyonce'.................BUT SIT DOWN ALREADY.

Beyonce started to become a marriage showing the first signs of trouble, when she performed in Cadillac Records.  No one had the nerve to tell her...........but boo, YOU SOOOOOOOOOO did NOT nail that role.  OKAY I LOVE YOU.......but you are ALWAYS HERE, and its starting to get on my nerves and not be cute.  Would you let me miss you a little bit.

I've been watching the video stations and Beyonce' has fallen out of heavy rotation.  She has NOT done a song with Nicki Manaj, Drake or Rihanna........which seems to be the "HOT" collabo artists right now.  She does not have an album out right now that would justify big solo performances at the Grammy's this February.  She is not in any movies that would justify her presence at the Oscars.  Let us miss you for a minute sweetie. 

I have to say that I am very proud of the body of work that Beyonce has produced.  I DO look forward to seeing her do even more things in the future.  But for now............the Entertainment Beast seems to be sleeping...........LET HER GET HER REST.  Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


  1. Good Job ,enlightning and entertaining. Keep up the good work.

  2. Thank you Jonathan! Please keep reading : )


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